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It is that time of the year when almost every other person you know is down with a cold or flu. Too bad, last week A and myself were a little under the weather too. So I concocted this homemade elixir (Elixir : e·lix·ir, a noun which means a magical liquid that can cure illness or extend life) and within two days A was all up and running, no more cold and cough symptoms. Thank goodness.
As it’s an anti-inflammatory, it relieves upset stomachs, sore throats, coughs, and headaches. The hotness stimulates your circulation, particularly in your lymphatic system, which is key when fighting the flu. Just like the water temperature, the hotter, the better, so put a lot in. Besides relieving your symptoms, this concoction tastes really wonderful – so warm and soothing, like your insides are getting a nice, big hug.
Here is the list of ingredients I used and why
- Ginger is known for it's anti-inflammatory and antiseptic (preventing the growth of disease) properties. It contains chemicals like sesquiterpenes, which helps in healing upper respiratory viruses, namely the common cold. Apart from being an anti-viral, it helps relieve congestion, and also soothes the stomach. & throat. It is known for it's properties to suppress a cough, and is considered a natural pain and fever reducer. It also helps clear nasal passages so just breathe in the hot elixir as you drink!.
- Turmeric is also known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties. Curcumin an active compound found in Turmeric is helps clear respiratory infections, suppress the cough and build overall immunity.
- Black peppercorns contain hydrochloric acid which aids in digestions. In Ayurvedic practices, pepper is added to tonics for cold and cough because it provides relief from sinusitis and nasal congestion. It has an expectorant poperty which helps break up the mucus in the respiratory tract. It's anti bacterial properties help fight against bacterial infections if any.
- Natural Raw Honey not only soothes the throat but also acts as a cough suppressant . However, it is advised not to give honey to infants less than one year of age as it can cause botulism. A lot of people are talking about Manuka Honey, which I am still exploring.
Ingredients to make Turmeric Ginger Elixir
- 16 oz. of boiling water
- 1 tsp. ginger grated
- 2 teaspoon of turmeric grated
- 1/2 tsp. black peppercorn crushed
- 1 tbsp. natural raw honey
- 1 lemon squeezed (optional)
Instructions to make Turmeric Ginger Elixir
- Boil 2 cups (16 oz) of water.
- Add grated ginger, turmeric and crushed black peppercorns. Try to find the turmeric rhizome instead of turmeric powder as the rhizome is a much purer form than the powder. It is easily available at an Asian grocery store or an Indian grocery store.
- Let the water boil and bring it to half.
- Strain it in a cup and add honey. Mix well and drink it hot. Toddlers might not be able to drink it very hot so luke warm is good for them. You can also taste it before offering it to your kids and sweeten it to their taste as the ginger and peppercorn might leave be a little hot for them.
Turmeric Ginger Elixir
Turmeric Ginger Elixir - Homemade Remedy for Cold & Cough
- 16 oz. of boiling water
- 1 tsp. ginger grated
- 2 teaspoon of turmeric grated
- 1/2 tsp. black peppercorn crushed
- 1 tbsp. natural raw honey
- 1 lemon squeezed (optional)
Boil 2 cups (16 oz) of water.
Add grated ginger, turmeric and crushed black peppercorns. Try to find the turmeric rhizome instead of turmeric powder as the rhizome is a much purer form than the powder. It is easily available at an Asian grocery store or an Indian grocery store.
Let the water boil and bring it to half.
Strain it in a cup and add honey. Mix well and drink it hot. Toddlers might not be able to drink it very hot so luke warm is good for them. You can also taste it before offering it to your kids and sweeten it to their taste as the ginger and peppercorn might leave be a little hot for them.
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